Saturday, December 15, 2007

Ahhh Saturday

Saturday morning. After sleeping in til 9:30, a collegue calls to see if we can have a quick 'treat'. A cigg before noon is uncommon for us, but being the rebels that we are, we sit on the deck in 40 degree weather and enjoy the crisp air of December in Texas intermingled with the nasy stinch of ciggy smoke. Ugh.

Next on the agenda: grocery shopping for a cookie party tomorrow. Gotta bake 6 dozen cookies for my fat ass to endure. ick. the cheeks don't need it.

After the cookies cool, it's to Grapevine to finish Christmas shopping and drink a glass of wine...alone! I can't wiat.

NOW: gotta brush the teeth and get the aftermath of one smokey treat out of my mouth.

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